Pwrpas tylino yw gwella cylchrediad, gwella elastigedd ffeibrau’r cyhyrau a lleihau tensiwn cyhyrol. Nid oes rhaid iddo fod yn benodol i chwaraeon, ond yn ogystal gall ryddhau tensiwn bob dydd o ganlyniad i swydd neu ffordd o fyw. Defnyddir tylino i ryddhau cyhyrau tynn a all gyfyngu ar hyblygrwydd, achosi poen ac anafiadau. Gall sesiynau cyson o dylino helpu gyda’r holl ffactorau hyn.
A sports massage focuses on improving circulation and tissue elasticity as well as reducing muscle tension. It doesn’t have to be specific to sporting issues but can reduce tension caused by your job or lifestyle. Sports massage is used to help relieve tight muscles that can limit flexibility, increase pain and cause injuries. Regular maintenance massage will help relieve these symptoms.
Mae'r math hwn o dylino yn ysgafn sy'n cael ei ddefnyddio i helpu lymph gylchredeg yn well o amgylch y corff a'n hybu draeniad y system lymphataidd. Mae'r hylif yn y system lymphataidd yn helpu i waredu gwastraff a thocsinau o'r corff. Yn ystod y driniaeth bydd lymph yn symud o feinweau'r corff i'r nodau lymph a'n gwella'r chwydd. Gall y driniaeth hon helpu pobl sy'n dioddef o lymphedema a fibromyalgia a chyflyrau eraill.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage is a gentle massage that is used to help lymph to circulate better around the body and encourage the drainage of the lymphatic system. The fluid in the lymphatic system helps the body to get rid of waste and toxins from the body. During massage the lymph will move from your tissues to the lymph nodes and this will ease the swelling. This massage can help people suffering with lymphedema and fibromyalgia as well as other conditions.
Datblygwyd rhwymo Kinesiology yn y 70au gan Dr. Kenzo Kase er mwyn cefnogi cyhyrau a chymalau heb rwystro symudiadau. Fe’i ddefnyddir i drin anaf, cefnogi mannau gwan, ail-hyfforddi cyhyrau ac i wella perfformiad.
Developed in the late 70s by Dr. Kenzo Kase, Kinesiology Taping is used to support muscles and joints without limiting movement. It is used to treat injury, to support weak areas, to re-educate muscles and to enhance performance.
Mae cyfathrebu yn hanfodol. Bydd angen i mi wybod sut ydych chi'n teimlo a beth yw eich nod chi o ran triniaeth. Byddaf yn esbonio'r driniaeth yn glir cyn i chi ymrwymo i'r sesiwn. Bydd disgwyl i chi lenwi holiadur iechyd cyn mynychu. Caiff unrhyw wybodaeth ei drin yn hollol gyfrinachol ac ni chaiff ei rannu heb eich caniatad chi. Os ydych yn dioddef o rai cyflyrau, mae'n bosib bydd angen i chi gael sgwrs gyda'ch meddyg cyn derbyn unrhyw driniaeth.
Communication is key. I need to know what you're feeling, experiencing and what you're looking to gain in order to best help you. In turn, I will explain the treatment and what you can expect to gain from it. You will need to complete a health questionnaire before attending. All information will be handled in the strictest of confidence and will only be shared with your permission. If you suffer from some conditions, you may be asked to contact your GP before treatment.
Trwy gydol y pandemic byddaf yn cydymffurfio gyda chanllawiau Llywodraeth Cymru a fy nghymdeithas broffesiynol, o ran ymarfer yn ddiogel a’n hylan a'r defnydd o offer amddiffynol personol. Rhwng pob cleient, bydd safonau hylendid ar ei uchaf a byddaf yn sicrhau bod yr offer i gyd yn cael ei ddiheintio a bod tywelion ac offer tebyg yn cael eu defnyddio unwaith yn unig. Fe fydd safonau uchel iawn o ran hylendid personol hefyd gan gynnwys golchi dwylo a diheintio cyson.
During the pandemic I will be adhering to guidelines issued by the Welsh Government and my professional association regarding safe and hygienic practice. This will also include the use of personal protective equipment. Enhanced cleaning and hygiene measures will be implemented that includes disinfecting of all equipment between clients. Towels and similar items will be used only once. I will also be adhering to strict hygiene rules will which includes regular hand washing and sanitising.